The Hunt

As his plans were foiled due to the fact of Hellstrom using a portal to carry them away from the area, he moved to a more comfortable spot, waiting and thinking. "Blasted Guardian....fool...." He moved down from the overlook and proceeded to Westbridge where he sat in the shadows by the temple, just waiting for a thought to enter his head.

When he saw it, he could not believe his eyes, there she was, Emalia. "Yes...perfect.." He then proceeded to follow her, as she made her way into the Cookie shop he perched himself up on the roof where he could tune into what was being said. About that time he saw an old man, looking quite pathetic make his hobbling way into the coffee shop then he heard Emalia and the man speak. After a long while Nyrul heard a noise, and peeked behind him, it was Hellstrom making his way through the door. The conversation was not what he was looking for, he heard a little of Elbryan and a mansion. Nyrul climbed down a little bit to hear this better but then slipped, he fell flat on his face and he then heard everyone go silent. Nyrul hushed himself and scaled down the backside of the building. He heard Emalia yelling so he moved sneakily toward the side where he could see a bear, most likely Hellstrom's guard.

Hellstrom proceeded out the door to where his bear stood, and Nyrul waited, then he made his advance to follow Hellstrom Far behind once again, but not far enough as to lose him. Nyrul thought to himself 'I will get what....I wanted...'