Gaining a Husband

"Come out, child," Banion crooned. For nigh on a week Arlenia stayed in the hut at the end of the village. Her stomach was beginning to show the first signs of pregnancy and her armor didn't fit quite right. She had to wear a muslin moo-moo and she felt belittled, weak, and trapped. Banion, the village elder, didn't help matters. He watched over her as though she were sick - even though she did have trouble keeping meals down.

"Go away, Banion."

The door opened and Arlenia grumbled, folding her arms like a petulant child as she flopped down into the chair by the fire. "I said go away."

"Remember to respect your elders, Arlenia. We are the learned and the way, after all."

Banion walked in and took the chair opposite her. He smiled and gave her a flower. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine," Arlenia replied, her cheeks burning crimson. "I'm knocked up and stuck here without a husband."

"There are plenty of fine, upstanding men on this island that have and continue to offer you their hearts."

"I don't want them, Banion. I want the father of this baby."

Arlenia looked at the old man, who seemed suddenly deep in thought. "You are miserable, aren't you," he asked, looking up at her.

"More than you can imagine."

"And you feel that this man should be with you?"

"More than anything."

"Perhaps there is a way, though it is not my first desire."

Arlenia sat up as Banion told her of his plan. She would have her family. Even if she had to do it underhandedly.