A book entitled: "Understanding Trees"

Understanding Trees: The Varies Personalities of the Forests
Written by: Sanria Stone

Welcome to the wisdom of the wood! I am Sanria, a long time sage of the realms, and I am here to lend to you my knowledge and  understanding of trees, how they can be helpful to your studies, and how they may lend aid to those in trouble.

It is useful to note that those without sage-like abilities may find that this book is not very useful. While it will give you deeper understanding into the world of the sage, you may need to ask a sage if you are interested in speaking to the trees yourself.

First, and most importantly, trees are individuals, but work as a collective. That means that there are times you may request help from the trees and their vast networks covering the globe will be able to triangulate a location for a given person. Of course, this will only happen provided the person is in an area with trees. Some will be happy to help, others will not.

"Sage" wisdom will be found within the leaves of not only this book, but the trees themselves.

-Sanria Stone

Types of Forests
Boreal forests are filled with trees that are much less likely to help. These trees, crusted with the chill of the north, primarily keep to themselves. It is best, when working exclusively with them, to keep your questions short and to the point, but still respectful. 

Temperate forests yeild the most varied attitudes, and it all depends on where in the realms you are. Some of the trees in  this forest you will find are very open, with personalities that bubble forth, some are filled with stiff wisdom, some are cynical, while others shed jokes as frequently as their leaves in the fall.

Tropical and  subtropical forests are quite laid back and very unrushed. Their unhurried attitudes require you to be prepared to stay a while when speaking with them and in some cases, bring offerings of herbs and earth from other places in the realms.

Types of Trees
In general, coniferous trees are much more conservative than deciduous trees. Broad leaves are more wise than those with narrow leaves, and as always, the older the tree, the more wise it will be. This is not always the case - as sometimes you will find a tree that is a child at heart!

Here is a list of some of the more populous trees and their general attitudes. Remember, that these are loose guidelines, as you may find a redwood embittered by a lightning strike, an oak irritated by bark beetles, and even a pine that thinks riddles are foolish. 

No matter what, always approach the trees with nothing less than respect.

Deciduous Trees
  • Oak: A tree venerable and wise, they tend to speak in parables, or in long vernacular with a penchant for minor condescention.  It is best to approach an oak with humble patience. 
  • Birch: Grumpy and cynical, a birch will not speak to you if it feels you are beneath its notice. They tend to enjoy jokes at the expense of others, pointing out the obvious, and making things difficult.
  • Maples: All very good natured and humble, these trees tend to have a simple attitude toward life and do not seem to delve deeply into lifes' mysteries - preferring to take each day as a span of moment in which they dwell.
  • Magnolias: Rather selfish, these trees prefer to spend their time doting on their own concerns - squirrels in the branches, deer eating bark - than yours. They are difficult to communicate with, and often will send you on your way before sharing any information.
  • Elm: A seeming cross between the oak and the maple, these trees feel almost like a young oak but with a much greater appreciation for humor and good spirits.
Coniferous Trees
  • Pine: A name encompassing a myriad of types, pines in general have a  wary disposition, preferring to keep to themselves and speak in riddles when interacting with any not of their species.
  • Cedar: One of the most irascible trees I've ever encountered, a cedar is just as likely to tell you the truth as it is to tell a falsehood. They are very condescending, and tend to believe that any tree that isn't a cedar isn't worth its roots.
  • Fir: Quirky and curious, a fir is a relatively friendly tree, and will help in many instances provided you return the favor with information and sate its curious demeanor.
  • Redwood: Very noble and knightly, these trees will always give advice along a virtuous path. Ever ready to help, they will always side with those of good intentions.
  • Juniper: A thoughtful type of tree, a Juniper tends to take a lot of time mulling over facts before giving a reply. Be ready to spend hours on a single question, for a Juniper does take pride in relating how facts relate to every single aspect of life. They are philosophers on a millenious time scale.

Speaking Tree
Speaking to a tree is an exercise in superior listening. Their speech is not like ours, audible and created by  a voice box, but deep within the wood of the tree - a vibration in the ether of magic itself. Time and training will teach you to tune in to the various vibrations, and slowly learn what each vibration means. 

In time, you will learn how to return those vibrations into the wood of the tree, "speaking" to the tree and allowing it to learn from you as well. 

Again, not  every magic user has this skill set, and, indeed, it seems the skill is very particular to the druid and sage sect. Never be afraid to seek out a sage when you are in need of help in speaking to trees.

End Notes
If you would like to learn more, you may direct a missive to me, Sanria, and I will assist as best I can. Take heart  in knowing that  all around you, the forest is alive and is taking in everything that goes on. Rumor abounds that some sages, elders and wise, have found ways to even coax memories of trees from the very pages of books. I've found none that can do this, but it has not stopped me from trying.

Enjoy your  walks, breathe deep, and don't forget to not only stop to smell the roses, but ask a tree how it's doing!

-Sanria Stone