A Brochure for New Visitors of Heifong III

Welcome to Heifong III

The nation of Heifong has shared a diverse past, as diverse as the hundreds of thousands of visitors it attracts each year. Less than a hundred years ago, Heifong III was nothing more than a settlement, one of many which were founded in this valley surrounded by mountains. As the settlements grew in size, it was becoming clear to the wise and perceptive leaders that room was quickly running short, and so a pact was made to combine their resources into the glorious nation of Heifong. The city you are visiting today came from this pact and is ruled by the honorable Xavier Vector, who at this moment is watching over his city with the help of his competent advisors. Here you will find adventure, and if your fate serves you, wealth and happiness. Take care not to go against the will of Xavier for doing so serves to sign away your own life. With that, enjoy your stay in our humble city.

*paid for by the ad council of public relations*