An old proposal: New Horizons: Meeting Our Growing Power Demands

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Meeting Our Growing Power Demands. A proposal for future possibilities. -Prof. Hojo

With the advent of mako power we have been able to usher our society into a new era of productivity and prosperity. Accomplishments that just a few decades ago only seemed possible through the use of magic are now made available to all through the availability of affordable electric power we provide with our mako reactors.

However, studies have shown that we will not be able to keep up with the projected rate of demand.  Already the amount of raw lifestream we are able to siphon from naturally occuring sources has begun to dwindle.

To this end, I present two methods of my own invention that I propose will allow us to achieve and even exceed the projected increases of demand for power far into the future.
  1. Hydraulic Fracturing
  2. Esper Utilization

Hydraulic Fracturing
I have invented a new method for extracting the raw mako we require from the planet more efficiently and in more locations than we previously thought possible.  I call this method Hydraulic Fracturing, or fracking for short.

This method works by opening fractures within deep rock layers through the use of highly pressurized liquids. By simply drilling a single well bore, then pressurizing it sufficiently to create fractures within the surrounding rock layers, we can allow much greater upwelling of the lifestream from deep within the planet and increase our rate of extraction 5x or more.  In addition, by only having to drill a single small bore hole, this will allow us to extract the mako from locations previously thought unreachable through conventional means.

Of note, I recommend privacy and secracy in developing this new method.  We have already faced resistance to our extraction of mako from the planet and this method does necessitate destruction of underlying geologic layers.  In addition, there is possibility of contamination of surrounding groundwater by the forced upwelling of the lifestream mako.  However, this is a benefit to us as it will allow for large scale study on the effects of mako exposure on general populations.

Esper Utilization
While fracking can increase our extraction of lifestream mako from the planet, there is speculation that mako may be a finite resource.  For this reason I propose the use of a potentially infinite resource for additional power generation, Espers.

We know that the Esper race is comprised of exceptionally magical beings.  What I have found through my research is that Espers may be tapped as a power source themselves. By utilizing a modified reactor, the magical power contained within the very being of the esper can be extracted and converted into electrical power.

There are many Espers already in existence that can be leveraged for their naturally occuring power.  And, while a single Esper can only provide a finite amount of energy before expiring, through strategic hunting, capture, and reproduction, we have an essentially infinite potential supply of power that is completely scalable to our needs.

In conclusion, you can see that I have provided two brilliant solutions to address not only our short term energy needs, but also long term needs into perpetuity.

If I am only given the appropriate funding and resources to fully develop these methods I shall provide results to exceed all expectations.  I welcome any and all inquiries and will proudly provide a more in depth proposal along with financial estimations upon request.

Professor Hojo, Senior Researcher of ShinRa Electric Power Company