The Book of Quotes

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When the student is ready, the teacher will appear, let the true spirit of Gnosis be your guide.

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Welcome to the Book of Quotes!

These quotes have been taken from the people of the realms over time. A wide variety of people have contributed to make this book happen, and in doing so, have had their name printed into a book, with their quote, and will now live on forever in these realms. But it's not too late for you. You can also contribute, and add to the many people who already have. If you wish to have yourself documented in the fashion that the following people have, please contact Mielikki (via note), and list your quote and how you would like your name to be written.

Enjoy the book!
Mielikki, Lady of the Forest

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"Us crazy people are the scapegoats to the world..because anything have enough common sense to deny it." -Samoth, One CRAZY Mutha!

"oaifhaignoiaen fioa enagi rowngwe!" "Find the truth of that, each his own as it has always been, and always will be." -Louie, The Finally gave a Quote, Guy

"Tis better to be fuzzy than not to be fuzzy at all." -Burro the Fuzzy

"Have you ever seen a man explode? Good. I didn't think so. Let this be your first lesson. Don't make Mystra mad." -Morus Lo Siew to his disciple.

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"When will wizards ever learn? If you don't respect the magic you wield it will destroy you." -Gromph Baenre to Liriel Baenre

"Magic is the ultimate tool. The ultimate art. The everlasting beauty. Then why child would you want to use it to level a city?" -Storm Silverhand to Daet'Be 

"Que sera sera - Shit Happens." -Epsilon Moonshade

"It has long been known that one horse can run faster than another - but which one? Differences are crucial." -Lazarus Long, stated by Torm the True

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"I would expect nothing less from Strifers than to piss on the graves of both their enemies... and their allies."
"It is often the mistake that ones overreaction to a crisis is mistake for heroism."
"From wandering the deserts I have realised that we all are specks of sand being blow through the dunes of life."
"Underestimating a foe can be the first mistake in battle... the second is fighting him."
"A leader doesn't make a clan strong, its members do."
-Lasher the Mechanical Sage
-Jafar Khet the Desert Nomand

"The cup is neither half empty nor half full. there is nothing in it because I was thirsty. Yummy."
- Mellenium the AnGeL of SaRcAsM

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"Lover by Day, Killer by Night..." -Lightfoot

"I say when it comes to loyalty, platinum is thicker than blood." -Mikey 

"If you forget the past, you have  no chance of a future." -Eznor, the Shadow Historian

"Vampires may be Undead, but not Unperson." -Dedric Shadewulf, Leader of the House of Communications

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"Chance favors the prepared Mind" "It is better to be called a fool then speak up and be proven one" -Sylvaniana Tarinanya, Great Wizard of Mystra

"grrrrrrrrrr *snarl*"
"Life is too important to be taken seriously" -Cheyenne, Church of Celestia and Order of the Black Rose

"Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" -Trelane, the Seeker of All

"Moo""Mankind could hold the universe in the palm of its hand, If only it could learn to unclentch it"
"..."'  -Nanaki

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"There is a line between truth  and reality, one must find where each is before you can understand yourself."
-Kwirl Karphys

"These tights don't have pockets, So I guess I am just happy to see you!" -Toxicosysis, superElf!!!!!

"To be is to see where the world might not be. For magic is the key to all Mysteries." -Mystra, Lady of Mysteries

"Even if Our Lady Has Left Us, It Does Not Deny Us The Right To Defend Her Every Belief" -Mutt, Eight Rank Of The Church Of Celestia, The Arm Of The Panther, "There Is Still A Ray Of Hope."

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"Life is short, then you die, so live it to the fullest." -Castral

"Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die. -Wyatt

"No Eternal Reward can forgive us now for wasting the Dawn!"
"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity!"
"We don't see things the way they are, we see things the way WE are."
"The first man to raise a fist is the man who ran out of ideas fastest." -Abduction Darkenheart