The Jihad's vision on other Cults

A description of each old Faction from the perspective of The Jihad:

The Ebon Spur
They are servants of Cyric, and exist only within Cyric's Church. Little is known of them, and their motives are not to be trusted, though some have proven friendly to our cause. Caution is the golden rule.

The People of the Black Blood
They serve Malar and Talos. They exist only within the Church Of Destruction. They are hunters, nothing more. If you can convert them to the Truth, then you will add a fine warrior and tracker to our ranks. If not, dismiss them. They are of little consequence at present.

Short Round Wrecking Crew
Nothing more than halflings with big mouths and small weapons. Unless you can convert them, slit their short bodies from nose to navel. They are useless.

Society for Undead Rights
This is a group of undead who have chosen to come together regardless of creed, religion, or other views. All in all, a noble ideal spoiled only by the lack of an ability to make it a reality. Although if they were able to successfully gather they may be a force of power in the Realms, they are not. Instead they are fractious and disorganized. Leave them to their inner quarrels.

Descent into Darkness
These drow exist only to preserve their ancestry. Though they may be useful in reconstructing the histories after Judgement, they are of little or no consequence in present times. Unless one desires Salvation, ignore them.

Knights of the Rose
This pathetic order claims to uphold the innocent in the name of Hanali and Sylus. These two powers have all but disappeared from the Realms, and with them, their cult. Let them carry on their hopeless crusade. No one is protected by words and flower petals.

Army of Darkness
Though once a mighty force in the Realms, the Army of Darkness has since disbanded, leaving behind small pockets of undead troops in the wake of what was once a great power. Convert those few remaining, and leave the rest to their squabbles.

The Sentinels
They oppose the RoK, and are in many ways the progenitors of the Pax Faerunis. Do not stop to speak with them unless you believe they can be turned from their twisted ways. Destroy them and all they hold dear until they are no longer a threat to the RoK and the Realms.

The Red Wizards
At this time, they exist solely within the ranks of the Dark Sun. Their motives are unknown. Whether they expand outside of Cyric's influence or not remains to be seen. They are manipulative, evil, and dangerous. When you can not use them to your own advantage, avoid them. Beware their barbed tongues.