The Jihad's vision on other Factions

A description of each old Faction from the perspective of The Jihad: 

The Jihad
We are the Jihad. We seek the Salvation of the world through its destruction and Rebirth. We seek to destroy the evil Ao through the worship of RaGnArOk and The Apprentice. Salvation can only be achieved through The Apprentice. Join us or perish in the flames of Judgement. The choice is yours.

These people lead the way in technology. They oppose the RoK. Convert them. Destroy those who will not convert, and steal their knowledge. Find their weaknesses and expose them to their foes. Exploit them when you can. They currently hold three of the Four Swords and are quite possibly the greatest threat to the RoK, and potentially a greater threat if given enough time. Do not give them the time they need.

Pax Faerunis
They oppose the RoK and are currently one of the most powerful forces that do so. Defame them and erode their popular support. Desecrate their holy places. Kill their families and urinate on their graves. Use whatever means necessary to ensure their destruction and the abolishment of their policies.

Church of Istishia
These idiots worship water. They are diametrically opposed to FLAME, and they wish to destroy the RoK. Like most, they fear the Judgement to come. Thus far, they have not proven to be a force of great power in the Realms. Turn them from their foolish course if you can. They are worth observing for amusement, but little more.

These Faithless worship Kossuth, Lord of Fire. Their directives toward the RoK are unknown at present. They exist solely to counter the existence of the Church of Istishia. Convert those whom you can, and leave the rest to Judgement.

The Black Rose
These drow fled the Underdark and rose to the surface world, where they now prey on the weak. They care nothing for the events surrounding the RoK and Apprentice. They may prove useful in situations requiring minimal force. But do not turn your back on them. They may pop one of your pimples with a dagger.

Emirc Dezinargo Syndicate
They are rebels. They are a mafia of people who use force and brutality to obtain what they call "freedom." They do not care whether or not the RoK falls. Give the fools employment and make them think you are their friend. Use them as the pawns they are, and convert them when you can. Do not harm them directly.

Keepers of Antiquity
Do not earn their enmity. They are trustworthy, even if they are Faithless. These keepers of knowledge may have use to us in the future. Convert them when you can, but do not press the issue. When Judgement comes, they will die with the other Faithless. They pose no threat at this time.

Apostles Of The Crypt
The "Apostles" are a small band of undead who have banded together to claim revenge on those who slew them when they were mortals. Though this pathetic group shares some common goals with us, they have accomplished very little. Turn them from their erroneous ways, and put those who refuse you to eternal rest.

The Merchants of Sembia
These merchants are contract whores. If you make a contract with them, expect them to follow it- down to the loopholes they will seek to exploit. They will never strike openly, and are almost always underhanded in their intent. They shun outsiders, but will not show it. Do not deal with them under any circumstances. Offer them Absolution, not contracts.

The TriPower Empire
These fools follow Nisstyre and sponsor NyTek. They lead the way to breaking the RoK, though it is their minions who prove more powerful foes. Destroy them at all costs. Show no mercy and offer no Absolution.

The Vectorian Empire
Though their bigotry toward espers is despicable, this empire seems the most likely resource to grant us the technology we need to overcome our foes. Convert them when you can. Destroy only those you must. Treat them as you would an ally, but never turn your back on them, or you will discover their treacherous ways.

The Empire of Sephiroth
They are our allies; our brothers in Faith. Do what you can to assist them, that we may further The Prophecy together. If you find any Faithless among them, show them the error of their ways. If it cannot be done, leave them to the Judgement which they also work for.