Log: 30062013 - Ror and Xzar

OOC commentary: First roleplay with Xzar, who tells a tragic tale.

Xzar buzzes around the room.

Ror casually strolls through the city
Ror turns his head at the buzzing bug nearby

Xzar bright almost almost blinding at time protrude
Xzar says 'good day stranger'

You tip your hat gallantly.
You say ' Greetings sir bug'

Xzar says 'i am xzar firefly.'
Xzar says 'what would you name be?'

You say ' A pleasure to meet you, I am Lord Surion of Tripower'

Xzar says 'a Lord....in the presence of a noblemen'

You chuckle politely.

Xzar says 'nice to meet you sir'

You say ' And nice to meet you too, Xzar Firefly'

Xzar says 'this is such a marvelous city'

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Xzar.

Xzar says 'i am new to these lands'

You say ' I see. Well, that does explain why I have never seen you before. Would you fancy a drink perhaps?'

Xzar says 'many have spoken of a war within these walls of recent times'

You nod at Xzar.

Xzar says 'and how the city has begun to prospere '

Xzar says 'but a drink...i would love a drink'

You nod.
You beckon for Xzar to follow -- sure hope they do!

Xzar now follows you.

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.

Xzar says 'i know not my way around the city'

You say ' Aaaah'

Xzar says 'such a nice little establishment'

You say ' Yes!'
Ror says to Holdan, 'I'll have a fine evermead, and for my companion Xzar here a Pale Ale.'
Ror gives the man two gold coins, then points to one of the empty tables

Xzar takes a sip of his ale
Xzar smiles happily.

Ror walks over to the empty table with his evermead in one hand.

Xzar says 'such a wonderful drink indeed'

Ror sits down on the chair and places his mug on the table.

Xzar says 'wow what an amazing drink actually'

You grin evilly.
You say ' So Xzar, where do you come from if not from these fertile lands?'

Xzar says 'the frigid swamp of southern forgetten realms'

You ponder the question.
You say ' Hm, I don't think I've ever been there. Is it a nice place to live?'

Xzar says 'it is a terrible place...my race had fallen slave to its landlords'
Xzar says 'these lands where a fabled tale that was really spoken aloud'
Xzar says 'as children my brother and I dreamed of coming to these lands'

Ror nods and listens, sometimes sipping from his mead

Xzar says 'but we was slaves'
Xzar says 'our job was to harvest crystals from the mines'
Xzar says 'terrible, terrible, terrible work'

You nod sagely.

Xzar a tear runs down his face
Xzar says 'always dreamed of leaving but we couldnt'
Xzar says 'it was our father that cursed us to those lands'
Xzar says 'his gambling debt had become immense'
Xzar says 'and for payment his sold us!'
Xzar angry rages across his face.

You hmm quietly.

Xzar says 'and for years we fought for freedom'

Xzar says 'never gaining headway'
Xzar says 'when the orcs uprising began...we saw oppurtunity'
Xzar says 'and we fled'
Xzar says 'and we made it a great distance away but we where lost'
Xzar says 'and together my brother and i decide to find this fabled land'

You nod.

Xzar says 'that was many moons ago...'

You say ' What happened to your brother?'

Xzar says 'when we arrived at the borderlands....bandits rules the plains'
Xzar says 'taxing travellers...stories of murders of the innocent'
Xzar says 'we stayed low key out of sight..'
Xzar says 'but we had nothing...no food..no money...and no weapons'
Xzar says 'we were for the taking'
Xzar says 'but my brother was different...he believed in life'
Xzar says 'and refused to let us strave'
Xzar says 'he went out to gather food...one morning....'
Xzar tears pour down his face.
Xzar says 'that night he hadnt returned'
Xzar says 'i went out after him'
Xzar says 'i could not find him...when i tried to reach our hiding place...i got ambushed i ran'

Ror takes a handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to teary-eyed Xzar

Xzar says 'i have not seen him since'

You nod.
You say ' A sad and tragic tale. How long have you been here looking for him?'

Xzar says 'so many moons ago'
Xzar tears flow immensely down his face

Xzar says 'i cant...i just cant....'
Xzar leaves without hiestation