Advice for Stones

The conversation between Enmach and Colin changed slowly as the rabbits and butterflies went about their business in the castle gardens.  There was an ease in Enmach's mind, a full on detachment from things around her but a blissful contentment in feeling a part of it all at the same time.  She did feel a slight sorrow on Colin's behalf, but no regrets, no remorse, no desire.  This was her mindset on a great many things, though on occasion it could be disturbed.  Enmach was still capable of getting angry when it was warranted.

The conversation went to Colin's daughter and her decision to  move out.  Enmach could tell it bothered Colin, and she realized that when the girl left, Colin would be alone in a huge cavernous home with only his misery at being alone.  She knew from many of the conversations she'd held with Sanria that Colin loved being surrounded by family.  He was losing everything.

Enmach recommended a family meeting for the Stones and Sanria, Orn, Leandra, Colin, and Sanria around a table, reaffirming bonds and love sounded simple enough to accomplish, and a way for the family to start walking the path of healing.  First, however, she had to help Colin reach out to Sanria.

She walked over to a large rabbit and gently picked him up.  She spoke into the rabbit's mind, 'The human you see will now be your master.  You will give him kindness when he requests you take messages to Sanria.  This will be your only purpose with him, and once this work is done, you may leave if you choose.'  Enmach put a vision of the cottage where Sanria was staying into the rabbit's mind, as well as a vision of Sanria.  'You will be called Oliver.'

Handing the rabbit over, Enmach gave a deep bow.  She could see on Colin's face a grim look of determination, and he echoed her thoughts on his visage.  She merely smiled as they parted ways, hoping her words had seeded Colin's mind, taken root, and were prepared to grow.