Current Character Description - Velentham Arenfeld

Velentham stands at  an impressive 7 feet, his arms lightly muscled  and his body svelt yet  strong.  His skin shimmers in  the light, a dazzling  gold that seems to  glisten even more whenever he is angered.

Straw-colored  hair hangs to his shoulders in gentle waves, moved  by the slightest of breezes.  His face is narrow and angular with silver eyes that stare out with a supreme look of haughtiness.

Radiant white  wings rest close to his back and extend down to  his calves with soft feathers.  His  billowing shirt is spun of the  finest silk and  his breeches of soft leather. A  pair of slender swords  hang at his  side, their  blades exposed and glinting.

Driven to the extreme of madness and greed, his is a one of the fallen, a Celestial no longer welcomed in the beautiful lands of Elysium.  He resides now in Gehenna. A place fit for the deeds committed by his hand.