Shen Ju Rong - Into the Realms

The spell happened so quickly Shen Ju Rong had no time to gather his thoughts before he was standing at the edge of a bustling town.  It was a port, he saw the ships coming and going, and held his breath, the dragon forgotten.  There was no wall of fog.  Here... he could see as far as his eyes could fathom. He stared with his jaw hanging open and suddenly felt small.  The chatter around him was not of his own people.  A language he could not understand.

The people of New Thalos, for their part, stared openly at him.  His skin was a dead giveaway, as were his strange clothes and his startling green eyes. In his country, it was common.  Here, the various attributes that comprised Shen were so  strange, so out of place, as to  cause some to stop  and look at him  with blatant  curiosity.  Then he felt himself compelled to speak, to breathe words  that were  not his own.  "Good day, where  might I find  lodging and a  place to rent in order to train others?"
A gruff sailor stared at him.  "Whas wrong wid ya?  Speak like a elf."
"I assure you, I am no elf."
"Ya think?  Ya muss think me stupid, too.  Arsehole."
"Not at all."
"Find  yer way at the inn.  There ye can get food and maybe some clothes that don't make ya look like a inmate from the looney bin, yeah?"

Shen felt himself compelled to walk according to the man's directions. He had no idea  what the sailor  had said, he had no idea what he had said.  He knew the dragon was in  control and using him.  This was going to be his lot for a long time coming.

In short  order, he had a  dojo and had  trained three men in the ways of his teacher, Ran Bin Rui. They were able and once they knew all they needed, Shen  sent them to their respective cities. "Teach, and amass monks so skilled they  will follow you anywhere.  Many should follow the path and the way."
"Yes, Sensei."

Shen  heard the voice in the corner of his mind, nearly purring with delight. 'Well done.  This will take time, but I am patient.  Very patient.'