-7- Gathering (Pt. 1)

Three days and two airship rides later, the three adventurers landed in a field just south of Waterdeep on a cold autumn afternoon. It had been a slow and tiresome journey that they were only halfway from completing. "Thanks again for the ride," Dusk said as he hopped down from the airship ladder. Vaishu and Blasko were already picking up their bags they had tossed over just seconds prior. "Don't mention it guys, and thanks for the beer!" The pilot waved as he secured the hatch for takeoff. With Vaishu in the lead, the three began their walk across the overgrown field as the highwind lifted off behind them. "Do you know where we are going?" Dusk asked Vaishu as they made the turn onto the Trade Way road. "Well, Clausius gave me instructions to meet up with some keepers in Waterdeep, though he didn't say where or when." "This will be interesting" Blasko said as he walked past the two without stopping. Dusk shrugged at the notion as they continued northward. Three hours past sunset, they reached the gates of the City of Spendors. The smell of burning wood filled the air as the cold wind bore down upon the city. Vaishu led the party along, not sure where he was going himself. They reached a large square with a sign designated the names of streets. The larger road ran north and south, while a smaller, darker road stretched west. They took the latter, which wound around several of the lower district, ending them conveniently at a tavern called 'The Thirsty Throat.' A shady titan character stood outside flipping a trinket in the air while chewing on a length of dry leather. "Interest you gentlemen in a game of trivia?" he asked them as he looked up. "No thanks," replied Dusk. "You might be able to help us though. We are looking for..." The stranger lifted his hand. "I think you'll like this game. All you need to do is guess the thing I will now describe." Vaishu sighed, looking up at the rising moon. "It is small, round, and bears the likeness of a ruined city inset with two laurels and a single star. Seen anything like this before?" Vaishu looked over at Dusk, who at the same time looked over at Vaishu. Almost at the same time, the two reached into their pocket and produced their tokens, which bore the resemblance that the stranger described. A few seconds later, Blasko found his token and held it out for all to see. "C'mon in fellows. We've been waiting for you," the titan said as he looked up and removed his hood. "You don't know how much of a relief it is to see you, Arrhenius," replied Vaishu as the three followed the mercenary inside.