
Edea looked at the doors to her matron's temple. Her heart sank. She knew that her pnuishment for leaving the sity was death. She also knew her matron would have no qualms in following through with this deed, especially since Edea did not worshi p Lloth. She worshipped Eilistraee, and that was an embarassment to the Baenre House. The ruling house of Menzoberranzen. Edea swallowed hard, a twinge of fear crept through her like painful needles prckiung her skin. Tears formed in her eyes. Her head hung low, soft tendrils of ringlets matted to her wet face. Edea placed her hands on the temple doors and slowly pushed them open. Edea stared ahaed and found her matron glaring evily at her. "Usstan kyorl ussta disgrace d'natha dalhar uriu yutsu'. Vel'bol gall dos inbal leaving, Xun dos kyor'ol ussa ulu tlu thankful whol dosst yutsu?" "Nau Ilharess." Edea said quietly. "Doer ghil lueth harl'il'cik." Her matron ordered loudly. "Harl'il'cik p'los Lloth, Harl'il'cik p'los l'j'nesst il speaks areion. Eilistraee orn noa ilta floh'l." Edea walked forawrd, her head hung low, her eyes to the ground. "Xas ilharess, izil dos daewl." Edea kneeled at the bottom of the throne. Heavy sobbing coming from within her, her breathe irregular, her shoulders heaving. The matron stood up and looked down upon her daughter in hatred. She turned to her side and took a dagger with the hand le depicting that of a spider. She turned back to Edea, holding the dagger in the air over Edea's head. She swung the dagger down hard into Edea's back. Edea cried out in pain and fell to the ground. The matron bent down over Edea as if to gloat and uttered in a low low voice. "Dos orn bleed ulu streea ." she then slit edea's throat and stormed out of the temple.