-7- Gathering (Pt. 2)

The tavern was dirty and smelled of orcs and urine. Dusk covered his nose, but Blasko nudged him, saying "That my friend is a sign of quality. We're going to get some really good ale tonight!" Arrhenius led them to a large table in the corner where two more figures sat. As they approached, the lamplight flickered across their faces, and Vaishu immediately recognized them as being Traelith and Ruhl. "You guys assembled some muscle together here," Blasko smiled as he took a seat. "Hope we got a perty serving wench today." "I beg your pardon?" said a voice from nearby which made Blasko jump from his chair. Loven appeared at the other side of the table, hiding a grin as she made herself known to the newcomers. "Uhhh, I didn't say anything," he replied as his face turned red. "That's better," she said as she unfolded a map across the table, using the glasses as paperweights. "Since everyone knows one another here, let's get right down to business shall we?" Quickly taking a seat, Vaishu and Dusk leaned in with the others as Loven began to explain the route known as the Eastern Highway while tracing it with her finger. "With an airship, we can make the trip in just under a day. With magic, I can make it in a few hours, but we don't have the luxury of either right now, so it has been decided to assemble a caravan to haul the archives north." "Have you thought about using dragon mounts to fly the archives out?" Arrhenius asked as he took a sip from his ale. "Dragons are expensive, inadequate to haul the amount of things we plan on moving, and unless you know of a good trainer, I'd just as soon not deal with them." Loven replied as she continued. "So earlier today, Ruhl found some merchant traders who would help us in return for some information. They can provide about 10 horse drawn carts among other things." "But wait," Traelith intervened. "I don't have a firm understanding of the arcane, but isn't it the ruins that keeps you from transporting things by magic?" "Yes, which is why we're only going to take the carts as far as the summit of the Storm Horn Mountains." Loven pointed at a dark area on the map. "There we will transport most of the less sensitive things over, using a wizard on the other end as an anchor point. That's assuming we have a place to move the archives to." "I've been assured that it's being taken care of," Vaishu replied. "In any event, all of us will set out for Myth Drannor bright and early tomorrow morning. I can knock off two days from our journey with a gate spell, and then we hoof it ahead of the caravan and get everything packed and ready to go." Loven replied as she leaned back in her chair. For a few moments, everyone sat silent as they thought about the plan. "I hear there are bandit along the mountain trails. Do you see that as being a problem Loven?" asked Vaishu. "Not really. After all, we brought the muscles. Right Blasko?" Loven laughed as the titan pretended to ignore her. After several hours of lighthearted conversation, the keepers retired to their rooms one by one. The next morning the band of keepers met in Waymoot Square and set out southward towards Trollbark. Ruhl's merchants came through as expected, meeting them just south of the Trade Way. With Loven's help, the group was transferred east of the summit of the Storm Horn Mountains, which was already covered with a thin layer of frost. Two long and taxing days later, they emerged near the Temple of the Morning Sun just south of Drannor Forest. The keepers had reached the place which started it all.