Apostles of the Crypt

Faction name: Apostles of the Crypt
Faction type: Faction
Status: Defunct
Former townships: Crypts of the Undead

Originally founded as a subdivision of the Vectorian Empire, the Apostles of the Crypt were the clandestine  assassin squad of Kefka's. Prior to the war with the Tripower, Lord Kefka used them to help murder Ganon Vector. As an undead experiment, the assassin's of the Apostles were highly effective during the in-fighting.

Once Kefka was defeated by the might of the Tripower, the Apostles went into hiding. During the years since the war, a select few of them rose to the top and built up secret political and economic connections. The higher ups of the Apostles were hidden within several governments and businesses posing as the figure heads for noble families, all the while manipulating behind the scenes. They said to have manipulated the petty lives of the living in order to attain their goals.

Just because they preferred to use means other than brute force,  did not mean they were weak. Immortal lifespans gave them many deadly skills that they employed when necessary. Being an Apostle of the Crypt required secrecy, skill, and intelligence.