Pax Faerunis

Faction name: Pax Faerunis
Faction type: Faction
Status: Defunct
Former townships: Westbridge
Alignment: Neutral Good

The Pax Faerunis ('The Peace of Faerun') started as an alliance between the Church of Celestia, The Harpers, and the Church of Mysteries. This ancient pact eventually included the Church of Justice and, eventually, the Seraphic Templars as well. They governed over Westbridge after winning the election by a landslide. In addition to actively working to keep Westbridge free from evil, The Pax Faerunis had also set its sights on The Rok, the meteor which threatened to strike. Their purpose was to bring peace and freedom to whatever lands they controlled. Assorted members of four clans came together to use their unique talents to combat whatever force threatened peaceful people.

The Church of Mysteries worshiped Mystra, Goddess of Magic - seeking out new and old magic alike, protecting and preserving it. The Church of Celestia were peace-loving worshippers if Celestia, looking out into the Heavens for inspiration. The Church of Justice - worshippers of Tyr, The Even Handed - meted out impartial justice. And finally, The Harpers, always moved behind the scenes, to maintain the balance of power in the Realms.

As The Rok - that Bringer of Death to All - came ever closer, members of these organizations made their longstanding alliance into a political entity - no longer neutral, not longer pacifist.

The Mystrans opened their secret libraries and magical storehouses to their allies by preparing 'The Archive' - the largest collection of magical knowledge the Realms had seen.

The Celestians, once content to gaze at the stars, turned their eyes to The Rok, flaming over the Realms - promising destruction. With the help of the other allies, they were contructing 'The Celestial Focus' - a telescope that would peer into the heart of The Rok itself.

The Tyrrans had contributed their administrative, and governing skills, to help the Mystrans and Celestians raise the funds necessary to complete their tasks. Their honor, and fairness kept their city politically stable, and kept hope alive that a solution will be found. All citizens could look upon their 'Temple of The High Court' and knew that they were ruled justly.

And finally, The Harpers sent their agents out into the Realms, infiltrating the other governments and factions of the land - watching, waiting - sending much needed information back to their home city.