Black Church

Faction name: Black Church
Faction type: Clan
Status: Active

Alignment: Evil
Patron: Malar

Jenova - The Mother. Ragnarok - The Father. Sephiroth - The Son.

Members of the Black Church are followers of Sephiroth. They would lay down their lives for the Lord and believe themselves to be infused  with Jenova cells, rendering them special. Their only concern is to serve the "High Priest of the Apprentice, charged with the task of completing the Apprentice's resurrection." They are secretive, devout and have definite plans for the lands beyond the Deva Kingdom. Nothing matters for these beings beyond the long-term goal of seeing the Apprentice returned to the lands at the hand of Sephiroth. However many deaths or disease or famines must occur are merely a means to an end. They feel no love or compassion for those outside their ranks and their entire being truly resides around the One True Son - Sephiroth.