Heifong Empire

Heifong is located in the center of the Great Realms, surrounded by impassable mountains on all sides.  Before the airship boom, only five small cities dotted the valley, ruled by small factions. The main support of the valley region was farming. When the airships came, the pirates came, and Heifong became the main stomping ground of the pirates. After awhile, the pirates guild began to fight over the area, and the biggest one. Made up of five different guilds, these pirates who held no name settled into the valley, and took over the 5 small cities. Farming died down, and the black market moved in. As airships boomed, the 5 small cities grew until their walls touched each other. And when that happened, the city of Heifong was founded, and split into five sections, given to each guild.

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<--- TO FIGARO | 1 | 5 | 3 | TO TORREGIANO --->
                   | 4 |

This is how the city is split up into different sections.  The Guilds only go by the name of their city section.  The 5th Guild, located in the center is the supreme guild, ruling over the other 4. The 1st Guild is the gateway and stopping ground for airships traveling in from the Western Realms. The 3rd Guild is the gateway and stopping ground for airships traveling from the Eastern Realms. The black market is located in the 5th Section, under the watchful eye of the 5th Guild.