Log: 30032013 - Ror & Zazza

This teaching session in essence: start from the basics and work from there. Once your character background is known to you, it becomes easier to write your descriptions and notes.

You say [OOC] 'Ok, let's start with the basics'

You say ' When you roleplay, you divide the world in two sections: In character and Out of Character'
You say [OOC] 'When you roleplay, you divide the world in two sections: In character and Out of Character'

Zazza nods.

You say [OOC] '*points at the ooc tag* '

Zazza nods.

You say [OOC] 'We say IC for 'In character' and OOC for 'Out of Character''

Zazza nods.

You say [OOC] 'This game has multiple channels which are either ooc or ic.'
You say [OOC] 'A good roleplayer is someone who doesn't write fancy descriptions or always knows the beautiful synonyms from the dictionary, but the one who can keep ooc and ic separated at all times'

Zazza says [OOC] 'i am terrible at that'

You nod.

Zazza says [OOC] 'laziness'

You say [OOC] 'I understand, but the reason why you have to keep them apart, is because you are not your character and your character is not you.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'oh i get the reasoning'
Zazza says [OOC] 'i am not totally new to the world'
Zazza says [OOC] 'i get the foundations of it'

You say [OOC] 'I'm just starting at the basics then work my way up :)'

Zazza says [OOC] 'i lack the descriptive flair and word flowing part'
Zazza says [OOC] 'i lack a creative edge with writing'
Zazza says [OOC] 'for instance'

Ror listens

Zazza says [OOC] 'look at ****s description'
Zazza says [OOC] 'u know how long that took me?'

You grin evilly.

Zazza says [OOC] 'DAYS!'

You say [OOC] 'I understand, but if you lack creativity, we need to return to the basics'
You say [OOC] 'So, OOC and IC. You are not Zazza and Zazza is not you.'
You say [OOC] 'The closer his personality is to yours, the EASIER it is to roleplay him, but at the same time it becomes MORE DIFFICULT to keep OOC and IC apart and vice versa.'
You say [OOC] 'If I roleplay an evil bastard, keeping OOC and IC apart is easy. But the roleplay itself is more difficult.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'hahah...i gonna have a bunch of ADHD characters!'

You say [OOC] 'So the very first question you need to ask yourself is what kind of character do you want to roleplay with him?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'a good guy..fighting evil'
Zazza says [OOC] 'but not to good'

You say [OOC] 'Would you say chaotic good?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'neutral good'

You nod.

Zazza says [OOC] 'my characters are achievers'
Zazza says [OOC] 'and hoarders!'

You say [OOC] 'BUT, your race is drow. And if you are known with the backstory of the drow, you know they are fallen elfs and usually always evil, safe a few exceptions.'
You say [OOC] 'So ask yourself, WHY is Zazza neutral good and not lawful or chaotic evil?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'race was based on my pk needs'

You say [OOC] 'Yes, but you're in the roleplay realm now ;)'

Zazza says [OOC] 'but i know alot of about drows'
Zazza says [OOC] 'my favorite class'
Zazza says [OOC] 'how do u see chaotic'

You say [OOC] 'Chaotic as in not following the law, random acts, lacking logic others can follow, madness, etc.'
You say [OOC] 'The answer doesn't have to be a complex answer, but you need AN answer, to start from.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'i guess chaotic'
Zazza says [OOC] 'prolly should play the drow as evil'

You say [OOC] 'It's not "probably should play", it is "what do YOU want to play" '

Zazza says [OOC] 'evil'

You say [OOC] 'Ok, so you want to play an evil drow?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'never really look at it like u just explained it'
Zazza says [OOC] 'yes'
Zazza says [OOC] 'but not a true evil evil'

You nod.
You say [OOC] 'Evil in what way then?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'does what he wants...a free spirit'

You say [OOC] 'Hm. Is that evil or True Neutral?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'more true neutral'

You say [OOC] 'Does the free spirit of Zazza have to do with him being a sage?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'sage was a choice for pk'

You say [OOC] 'Roleplay realm ;)'

Zazza says [OOC] 'then yes free spirited choose the path of sage because it posses the powers to be self sufficent'

You say [OOC] 'Considering the nature of drow society, I assume matriarchs and families did not take this well?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'hence why i live in this world and not mezzobenzza'
Zazza says [OOC] 'i see what ur doing....and its awesome'

You say [OOC] 'See. We are slowly building up a character background here: Zazza the true neutral sage, who lives on the surface world'
You say [OOC] 'and five minutes ago we had zazza the pk drow with lots of mana'

Zazza says [OOC] 'but i cant transform that into a note or description'

You say [OOC] 'Not yet.'
You say [OOC] 'How is Zazza's standing with Lloth?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'lloth likes death'
Zazza says [OOC] 'and the god of the matrons'

You say [OOC] 'So how is Zazza standing with Lloth then?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'i guess he wouldnt be out of sorts but also wouldnt be the graces of him'
Zazza says [OOC] 'lloth a her?'
Zazza says [OOC] 'or him'

You say [OOC] 'Yes, she is called Lloth the Spider Queen'
You say [OOC] 'she favours evil priestesses who do bad stuff to others'

Zazza says [OOC] 'and favors death'

You say [OOC] 'So the chance that Zazza, as free spirited true neutral sage is in good standing with her, is zero. I think it would be neutral or bad.'
You say [OOC] 'but it's up to you to decide what your standing with Lloth is, as she is THE most important goddess of the drow pantheon'

Zazza says [OOC] 'doesnt have a place of importance for them'

You say [OOC] 'You mean gods are not important in his life?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'he believes people walk there own destiny'

You nod.

Zazza says [OOC] 'or gods have there place and mortals have there place'

You say [OOC] 'A bit of a 'Don't bother me and I don't bother you' mentality?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'u could say that'

You say [OOC] 'So, knowing that, can you tell me what Zazza's standing is compared to Lloth? From his view and hers.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'zazza isnt in good standing with lloth nor does he care with she likes or dislikes him'
Zazza says [OOC] 'so i got a base line'

You say [OOC] 'This is very useful background information, because when you write a description or do restrings on your equipment, you will not make reference to religious symbols and especially not those of lloth.'
You say [OOC] 'by defining the outline of your character and his background, you make it easier for yourself to write a description and it gives you a good foundation when you start to roleplay.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'or wear a symbol of lloth to spite her?'
Zazza says [OOC] 'then again if i wanted to spite a god....i would call myself hercules'

You say [OOC] 'Dunno, usually symbols are worn because people believe they grant the power and attention of said God. I like the idea, but you'd have to consider whether Zazza would do or want that.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'he wouldnt'

You say [OOC] 'Keep in mind that when you start out, not everything is directly set in stone. So you can tweak things that don't work out or need a different approach. But that's something you do later in the process'

Zazza nods.
Zazza says [OOC] 'so lemme come up with something based on what we spoke about'
Zazza says [OOC] 'gonna take a couple days'

You say [OOC] 'Nah, don't worry. We're not done yet. Let's think a bit more.'
You say [OOC] 'Sages tend to be nature orientated. Is that also the case for Zazza?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'he likes the outdoors'
Zazza says [OOC] 'he likes the power of the sage the most'

You say [OOC] 'Safe to assume he is nature orientated then?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'prehaps along the course of life he meet a sage was was memorized by his/her skill set'

You say [OOC] 'So, a classical sage then. What about the nature gods such as Silvanus, Ehlonna etc? Is Zazza's standing/relation with them different than compared to other gods?'

Zazza says [OOC] 'not familiar with them'

You say [OOC] 'They're nature based dieties of nature in general, the forest, hunting, agriculture etc. There's quite a few of them and usually their followers are rangers, striders, sages and druids.'

Zazza says [OOC] 'havent done alot of reading as far as fantasy books'

You say [OOC] 'for example help gd-silvanus'

Zazza says [OOC] 'i like the silvanus'
Zazza says [OOC] 'maybe respects silvanus but doesnt need his blessing'

You say [OOC] '*nod*'
You say [OOC] 'and you never know how the relation between Zazza and Silvanus might change over the years as you roleplay'

Zazza says [OOC] 'correct'
Zazza says [OOC] 'i dont mean to cut u short'
Zazza says [OOC] 'my daughter has dance in 20 minutes'
Zazza says [OOC] 'the joys of children'

You say [OOC] 'No problem, but I am going to give you some homework'

Zazza falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.
Zazza says [OOC] 'u know the last time i had homework'
Zazza says [OOC] 'over 15 yrs'

You say [OOC] 'Yeah, I'm sure. I want you to read this: http://surion-wdmud.blogspot.nl/search/label/Roleplay%20Tips%20%27n%20Tricks'
You say [OOC] 'And then answer the questions for Zazza'
You say [OOC] 'Then do the same for the second post on writing a description'
You say [OOC] 'then write a description and post it to me by chat note'
You say [OOC] 'Mind you'
You say [OOC] 'No brilliance needed. For all I care it says "You see a drow standing here" etc etc'
You say [OOC] 'So no days of thinking, just writing and then post it to me, whether it is crap or not.'

Zazza nods.
Zazza says [OOC] 'i will do that tongight'
Zazza says [OOC] 'be well'

You say [OOC] 'good luck!'

Zazza prays for transportation!
Zazza disappears.