As the Morningstar was closing Psycho reflected upon a third ghost. The ghost of things yet to come. It had bee a little over a month ago that Psycho had been called upon by Ror. His final thoughts of the night had been his most troubling.
"I require assistance investigation some elements that we want to use for to the school house of Westbridge."
"A Theater in the Ruins of Tru should give us some ideas."
Psycho called upon a wizard of his Order to transport the two of them to Myth Drannor. From the Forrest Psycho lead the way through the Stormhorn mountains and up along the the village of Tru. Upon our arrival several Vectorian soldiers were noted on patrol. Had Vector been in Tru before they came or were they looking for Ror? Or even Psycho himself?! As they approached the patrol Ror elbowed Psycho.
"Will you please take care of them, we don't need Vector knowing we were here."
Psycho dispatched of the patrol quickly and without witness. The souls of the two men on patrol were not dark or clouded like the people he normally attacked; they were not pure hearted either. Killing did not bother Psycho unless it was someone he was close to. These soldiers were casualties of a war that still had steam yet to escape.