Shaping the Stone

Enmach sat at the fountain, waiting for Colin to show up.  Ever since she'd given him the rabbit, Oliver, he'd been much more able to talk to others and communicate where he hadn't before. It pleased her that she was able to aid him.  But this time, he needed to talk, though she already knew what the discussion  would be.  She'd heard it all from Sanria, the other side of the problem.

This time he was hurt over the fact that Kaliadra had roped him into a relationship of sorts, a pregnancy.  He didn't want the child, a prospect not at all odd considering the fact that not many men who slept around wanted evidence of the encounter left behind.  Enmach knew, however, that loneliness drove people to do far worse things.

She couldn't help feeling that he was looking at the situation all wrong.  He was beside himself that he couldn't have Sanria back, but didn't seem to think about Gilean or Matinus or the fact that Sanria was going to bear a child by her husband.  She tried to get him to see - by not acting on his desires, keeping himself resigned to the idea of having a baby elsewhere, he was doing Gilean's family a favor, and Kaliadra - for entrapping him unfairly - had done a service to children who would have otherwise lost a mother or a father or both.

Enmach brought him into the castle to sleep in the inn.  He had requested to be put to sleep, dreamless sleep, and Enmach was obliging.  Sanria was not there, nothing could accidentally happen if she was gone for the day and unable to be found in the halls of the castle.

Admittedly, it made Enmach feel bad, being on the side of the two ex-es staying ex-es, but there was nothing she could do  other than help the man sleep and hope he came to his senses. She stepped out, leaving Colin for a few moments to go to the Tea Shop in the castle.  Sandrine made fabulous chamomile tea, and coupled with a little dose of magic, the concoction would certainly give Colin a little peace in his slumbering hours.