Stealing Fire

Kaliadra  vanished into  her old room, her chest filled with a crushing sensation.  No one roamed these  halls,  here, in  Sir  Throm's  home; she would be safe in her rented room. She could barely breathe as she  dropped onto her bed, sending up a tuft of curling dust. The pain she felt inside was unbearable, and she growled out a curse.  There, on her table was her old diary... writing always helped.

A new diary entry left open upon a small white table:

I feel filthy.  The deed I have  committed is vile and reprehensible and it coats me like the stench of death, lingering on my body.  I laid down with  Sir Colin in  the hopes of driving Sanria to stay with Sir Gilean. When I heard Sir Colin say that he couldn't give her up, I had to be the one to drive the wedge.  What could I have done otherwise?!

I tire  of feeling Sanria's  indecisiveness, even  when I fold myself in lycanthropic skin, I can feel it.  But I question myself now, because in my efforts  to force the  situation, I had  discovered that her love for this  man has  driven her to despair.  I knew she would hurt, I was prepared for that... but  not this.  Not this  soul freezing, soul crushing  pain... pain so intense it is everywhere at once.  Damn Sanria!

For my own part - yes.  I wanted the experience.  I had not given myself to any until that moment.  I find myself wishing it could have been with one  I loved,  but... that one  is long past  gone.  I've only ever felt  affections for him... but  he did not  feel them for me.  It is all most definitely for the best- given this inexorable  pain marching on my soul, I want not for this again.

I have done something wrong. I had full hopes it would make my the small pains of Sanria's choices end. I have never been so terribly mistaken in all my time.  Lady Sune, were she anywhere to hear of this, would likely be disappointed.  Yet another entity that has abandoned us.  Between the two of them  and Velentham for his part... it is only the children of my life-mate that stays my hand against myself.

Damn Lithanus! Damn Sanria!  Damn Sune!  Damn Velentham!  Damn them all!