The thoughts of the sister

Tika spread the heady salve on her brothers wound, a deep frown planted in place. That had been such a stupid idea. She always let her brother talk her into his schemes. But he always seemed so sure they would work!

With a cry of pain from her brother, Tika came back to the present and began wrapping his arm. That was going to leave a scar, she thought with a sigh.

"We can't go through that again," Tika stated firmly, giving her brother a stern look. "If we end up dead, what good will that do anyone?" She watched as her brother slumped back, not saying a word. He knew she was right, or at least she hoped he did. "We'll find a better way," Tika said more softly, soothing her brother's wounded ego.

She let out a sigh as she released his arm and leaned back against the tree beside him. Morning would come soon and they would make their way to Westbridge for some food. There they would meet with one of their parents old contacts. That, Tika knew would set the tone for what was to come for her and her brother. She could only hope that somewhere in the future they would be able to... What? Regain control of their sister? Make her see the error of her ways? Force her to come with them? Tika closed her eyes against the anger that flashed and turned away from her brother. She wouldn't let him see her uncertainty. He didn't know the things she knew. He hadn't seen the things she had seen... Sleep drifted over the girl as thoughts of hatred settled deep within her heart.