Log: 12102013 - Quyen and Calliope

OOC commentary: first time roleplay for Quyen! Not bad at all.

Quyen is sitting at one of the dinner booths, eating eggs, ham and bacon. There's a bottle of beer standing next to his plate.

Calliope sits next to you and orders a cranberry juice and pulls out a hip flask and fills th rest of the class with it.

Quyen munches and looks to the woman settling down next to him, then nods

Calliope says 'Excuse me, but are those eggs any good?'
Calliope says 'You can never tell with these kinds of places.'

Quyen nods in response since his mouth is full

Calliope waves over the cook.
Calliope says 'Can I have what he's having?'
Calliope turns to you as the cook nods and starts to crack open an egg.

Quyen swallows his chewed food down

Calliope looks at you.

You look at Calliope.

Calliope says 'I have to ask, I'm sorry if it offends, I haven't seen an arm like that on a human before. Is that TriPower technology?'

Quyen looks at his tattooed arm and bends it so the muscles move, "Nah lass, all mine."

Calliope giggles.

Quyen stabs the bacon with a fork

Calliope says 'You're quite charming, I'm Calliope, and you are?'

You say 'Quyen'
Quyen brings the forked bacon to his mouth and bites from it, chewing thoughtfully
Quyen swallows the bacon down
You say ' Since yesterday'

Calliope picks up her fork and knife and gently begins cutting up the food that was just placed in front of her.

You say ' What about you?'

Calliope says 'I've only just arrived myself, less than a week ago.'

You smile happily.
You say ' Ah good, then you probably know a good place to sleep in this city.'

Calliope says 'Well, I'm currently staying with a few healers at a temple here.  We'll offer you any shelter you need but it's not the most comfortable lodging.'
Calliope says 'That's who I am really, I can heal the sick and dying.'

You say ' Is it free?'

Calliope says 'It is, but we'll put you to work a bit.'

You frown disapprovingly.
You say ' I'll pass'

Calliope smiles happily.
Calliope says 'I'm sure there are quite a few Inns to spend the night.'

You say ' Yeah, but I've got no money. I forgot to ask my friend after crashing his place yesterday. Hehe.'

Calliope says 'Oh, well then. We could use a strong arm around the place, we won't work you too hard, it's mostly just a few chores that would need doing'
Calliope says 'I was going to find an Inn myself...'
Calliope says 'But this way I can have access to their library'

You say ' An uncomfortable bed, if any, and work sounds like a bad deal to me.'

Calliope says 'As opposed to no bed?'

You say ' Well, no bed means sleeping on a bench or something. That sounds equally uncomfortable to me.'
Quyen eats the last of his egg
You say ' Oh?'

Calliope says 'Yes, I suppose i didn't sell the place all that well. They are simple lodgings, not like you would see at the inns of this town.  Some are shared rooms because we take in anyone of need.'

Quyen grabs the beer can with his copper arm and drinks from the can
You nod.

Calliope says 'They are beds stuffed just like any other, clean sheets, everything.'

You say ' Well, I guess checking it out couldn't hurt...'

Calliope says 'I could take you there later if you wish.'
Calliope says 'Did you come here to find work?'

You say ' Hell no. '

Calliope falls down laughing.

You say ' I came here to repay a debt.'

Calliope says 'Oh'

You say ' And maybe some more adventure. Things were getting a bit dull back home.'

Calliope nods.
Calliope says 'Where is that?'

You say ' Very, very, very far away.'

Calliope says 'A traveler come to repay a debt and find more adventure.'
Calliope says 'You are interesting to say the least.'

You say ' Hm. I guess so.'
Quyen takes out a cigarette from his pocket, stuffs it in between his lips and lights it.

Calliope uses the knife to push eggs onto her fork and carefully leans over and eats them.

Quyen removes his cigarette from time to time to drink the rest of his beer.

Calliope says 'Have you been on many adventures?'

You say ' Well, how to say this? I lost count.'

Calliope smiles happily.
Calliope says 'You must be quite handy in a tight spot'

You say ' That's what the ladies say'
You smirk.

Calliope gasps in astonishment.

You fall down laughing.

Calliope blushes.
Calliope blushes.
Calliope says 'I'm sure they must.'

Quyen peers into his beer can, wondering where the beer went and sighs as he realizes he drank it all already.

Calliope says 'These beers tend to have holes in them.'

Quyen puts the can down

Calliope says 'drains right out the bottom without us even knowing where it went.'
Calliope says 'Want another? on me?'

You grin evilly.
You say ' Certainly'
You say ' Good establishments are run by dwarves if you ask me. They know their beer.'

Calliope says 'I think it's because the beards force them to taste it the rest of the week, have to have good beer if that's the case.'

You smile happily.

Calliope says 'I do tend to enjoy the alcohol I can conceal easier.'
Calliope lifts her hip flask out of her robes and pours more into her glass.
Calliope says 'It's a bit tough to be thought of as a healer when you carry around a 6 pack.'
Calliope flags down the bartender and orders you a drink.

You say ' Ooooh. Interesting'
You say ' This lady has a naughty side to her'
You smirk.

Calliope says 'Well, let's just say I can be handy in a tight spot myself.'

Quyen whistles

Calliope finishes most of he place and pushes it back toward the chef who picks it up and gives her a bill.

Quyen waits for his second can of beer to arrive, then opens it and drinks it

Calliope says 'After we're done I can show you to the temple and get you set up there.'

You nod.
Quyen empties the can and puts it on the table.
You say ' Right. Ready.'

Calliope nods.
Calliope stands up and tosses some coins on the bill.
Calliope beckons for everyone to follow.

Quyen stands up as well and follows Calliope

Inside the Temple [NOLOOT]
  The temple continues here, but not on such a grand scale. The place still looks immaculate. To the north you see the chamber of the High Priest and a sign on the door in BIG letters thats says DO NOT DISTURB. To the south is the entrance to the Cleric's Guild.

Calliope says 'I hope it's to your liking, the accomodations are back through the hall, ask the monk with the brown robes and he'll get you situated.'

Quyen looks around, nodding slowly

Calliope watches the sick file in through the side doors.
Calliope says 'I should really tend to them.'

You say ' Hm.'
You say ' Oh well, I guess I'll go find myself a place to sleep here.'

Calliope turns to see a youn priest rushing toward her with a book in his hand "I've found it, I've found it, Calliope, I found it.
Calliope says 'You did...'

Quyen turns in curiousity to see what the fuss is about

Calliope takes the book and reads through the pages that were opened. "I did, You told me, and I read through all those books you had on the table and I found it"
Calliope read intently silencing the boy with a finger.

Quyen imitates Calliope behind her back with his copper arm, to scare the boy a bit, an evil grin on his face.

Calliope says 'I don't believe it... you mean to tell me this wasn't the work of 1 person? and I had to agree to it?'

Quyen walks over to Calliope and looks over her shoulder from behind to see what's going on
Quyen stares at the book on the floor

You say ' Nice book... so err what's the deal on it?'

Calliope says 'Those runes read New Devices and Magical switches. It's a synopsis of how to use magic infused weapons that amplify the spell like wands do.'
Calliope says 'I was the "willing" victim of one and it trapped me in ice for 5 years.'

Quyen picks the book up from the floor and looks at its page

Calliope says 'It's all there on page 342.'

Quyen turns to page 342 and reads
Quyen hums a bit

You say ' You must have had a good reason for it I suppose'

Calliope says 'The drawing on the next page shows the device and the 3 people needed for it to work.'

Quyen turns to the next page and studies it

Calliope says 'See how it comes apart and each part is amplified by holy energy and magic sources? then comes together and entombs the willing participant?'

You say ' Yes, so?'

Calliope says 'So what's the point?'
Calliope says 'What possibly could have happened that I wanted this!'
Calliope says 'I don't even remember it.'

You say ' I would say you'd best ask the willing participant but if you don't remember... tough luck.'
You say ' Maybe it was bad love, or a disease?'

Calliope sighs as a diseased man walks down the isle begging for help.  She stands and lays a hand on him and the sores vanish.
Calliope says 'I can cure disease with a blink of an eye.'
Calliope says 'Love?'
Calliope says 'I don't know, seems a silly thing to do for love.'
Calliope says 'I truely thought someone evil had done this to me'
Calliope says 'They must have been trying to help.'
Calliope says 'Only 1 thing to do now though.'
Calliope says 'I have to find this device.'

Quyen puts the back of his hand against his forehead, 'Oh, I love you so much and now you died/betrayed me/slept with another. Weep.'

You say ' Sounds very womanly to me...'

Calliope says 'Do I really strike you as the type?'

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.

Calliope rolls her eyes, disgusted.

You say ' Well, let's be fair. You can't tell.'

Calliope grabs the book from your hand and walks down to the living spaces and enters a room. she comes out with a backpack and a traveling cloak of deep blue and seafoam green colored runes

Quyen scratches his nose and mumbles, 'You need at least a passionate night with a woman first to be able to guess...

Calliope adjusts the pack and you see a long katana well hidden but strapped to it.
Calliope says 'Passion can wait.'

Quyen coughs

Calliope says 'I've got to find this device.'

You say ' Sounds like a plan!'

Calliope says 'The person who wrote this book lives in waterdeep.'

You say ' Nice. Where's that?'
You say ' And... where is the other continent?'

Calliope says 'I've been there when I was younger'
Calliope says 'oh, very far to the east across the great ocean'

You say ' Sounds like a far trip to me. I hope you're well-packed for it!'

Calliope says 'I'll use magic to get part of the way there, but I'll need to travel by airship.'

You say ' Oh jolly, they've got those here as well?'

Calliope says 'I have been prepared since I awoke.'
Calliope says 'They do, you didn't notice them flying overhead?'
Calliope says 'Just like a man, doesn't look up.'

You say ' Well... not that much... heh'

Calliope says 'maybe I'll pay a visit to Zel, haven't seen him in a very very long time.'
Calliope says 'He had a whole fleet at one point.'

You say ' What's a Zel?'

Calliope says 'He's a merchant'

You say ' Aha.'

Calliope says 'A woman remembered me and him in new thalos. Didn't know much more than that though'

You say ' So any idea what he looks like?'

Calliope says 'Yes, there was a painting of him in the merchant guild there.'

You smile happily.
You say ' How fortunate!'

Calliope says 'Very, I'm not sure what he would be like but it might be worth it.'

You agree absolutely.
You say ' Good luck!'

Calliope says 'I'm sorry to be leaving after just meeting you.'

You shrug.
You say ' It happens'

Calliope smiles happily.
Calliope says 'I hope we meet again.'

You say ' Oh you might, you never know.'

Calliope hugs the boy who brought here the book and tell him to say goodbye to the clerics and priests for her.
Calliope turns to go then thinks to herself.
Calliope says 'If you repay your debt, I would like someone to accompany me on this adventure.'
Calliope says 'Perhaps seek me out?'

You say ' Heh. It's a lifedebt, lass'

Calliope nods.
Calliope says 'Then good luck, and may the gods bless you.'

You say ' Same to you. If you get into trouble, send me a note. I might be able to help you out a bit.'

Calliope nods.
Calliope says 'And maybe just to keep up our new friendship.'
Calliope waves happily.

You wave goodbye to Calliope.

Calliope vanishes suddenly in a quick grey mist.