
Angelica stood in her clan hall, wandering around. She was close to the Market Square. She heard a whimper and a shuffle. Quickly she moved to the Square to see what the noise was. She looked around and saw nothing. Then she looked down and saw the little Halfling, Eleni. She was beaten and bruised, hurt badly. Quickly Angelica tended to her wounds. Angelica asked, "What had happened? " to which the badly injured Eleni replied, "Jhinta took a girl... I tried to stop him but I failed... ". Angelica asked Eleni to describe the girl. Eleni described a young girl of Elf decent, with blonde hair and green eyes. Instantly Angelica knew who the girl was. It was Bethia, she had seen her at the Knights of the Rose gathering earlier. Angelica felt a tang pull at her heart. As she sat with Eleni and tended to her, darkness swept over the Square. Jhinta had arrived. Angelica met his eyes and stood up. Eleni follow Angelica's lead, ready for a fight. Jhinta had come to brag about what he had done - and discuss a ransom. Jhinta asked for eight thousand platinum and negotiations between his people and the Knights. Eight thousand platinum, Angelica reasoned, was nothing for the life of the young Elf. The negotiations on the other hand, would be a problem. She knew the other Knights would not approve. Reluctantly, Angelica agreed. Jhinta demanded half of the platinum now, and half when he took Angelica to see Jhinta. Angelica hesitated, and Eleni quickly objected. She said that the other half would be given to Jhinta only when Bethia was safely away. Jhinta quickly agreed. So Jhinta left the square. Angelica and Eleni exchanged a look when suddenly - Angelica was gone.