diary of a mad man in prison part 1

The bells went off in my head like a warning siren guiding a person to a bomb shed.  I must flee.  I must get out now but where was I, how was I going to go?  My church had failed me.  My church had failed me how the fuck did the church of Strife fail thee Rosso Aposso!  How is it possible for such an awesome god to just give in.  To fail under pressure of a new cause, of a new hope.  What was the hope I thought to myself study in the life of death?  Isn't that what the followers of Cyric did?  Kill people for the lust, for the joy, for the real god Cyric?  That is what I had thought all along.  Could the research of the death be just a church in disguise for the followers to go to when the One had left them all alone.  Of course not!  Cyric had failed me for the last time

Upon muttering those words a great beam of light came from the sky came down and knocked Rosso out cold. When he awoke he was in the billets of the long death campground. Maezura was studying the affects the blow had on my skull by putting tokens and different ointments on him trying to see what the adverse affects were. I woke with a start when he started to desecrate on my face! Seeing what that would do sure enough woke me right up. But I was dazed and confused I had no idea where I was or who I thought I knew. I learned to walk again learn to fight, learn to summon great powerful swarms of rocks stronger then I ever could have before. But I did not know whom I was just that I was some powerful wizard. I had these items of clothes on. I didn't know who I was. So I labeled them with people I've seen in the past just the people I could only remember in the wizard training area while I was learning to cast.