Hunting Solutions

He woke Sanria and looked at her.  Velentham wanted nothing more than to guide her mind.  She fought him so much, constantly, as though somewhere, in the back of her head, was an alarm.  He knew he could remove the offense with ease, but to do so would mean he had tampered with her mind, forced her to be with him and that wasn't what he wanted.  He wanted her to choose. He wanted her to love him on her own... mostly on her own.  He didn't care if she forgot Gilean or the brute, Colin, or her children, or anything about where she lived.  He cared that she loved him on her own... but it wasn't working the way he wanted or as fast as he wished.  He was growing impatient.  Soon.  It had to happen soon.

He quelled his frustration and gave Sanria a smile.  "My love, you remember Kaliadra."
"Of course."
"Do you know where she is?"
"She committed wolficide."
"She... what?"
"She is lyrathi... she felt so terrible for killing my baby..."

Velentham watched her eyes change and quickly he put a hand to her temple, causing her to drift back from a memory.  He had done the same only days before... but he looked at it in a different way... he had killed "Gilean's" baby. He had to guide her frequently,anything to keep her from remembering him in a bad light. "So she felt badly and she turned herself into a wolf?"
"Yes," Sanria answered, placated.
"Yes.  I only saw her when I went to help Colin with his fears."
"How did you find her?" he asked, ignoring the reference to the brute. "We're connected by blood.  If she dies, I die, and vice versa.  There is a link... she can feel things I feel, I can sense her when I get near." He smiled and touched her cheek.  "How do you sense her?"
"I... don't really know.  I just can."

He reached up, running his hand through her hair, all the while prying her mind, seeking a key.  He honed in on the sensation Sanria used - a vibration unique to Kaliadra that Sanria could sense.  He marveled at the connection created, how exquisite and small the tremor, and absorbed the memory into his own mind.  Now he would be able to hunt the wolf, force her hand, and find his way home.